White callas deluxe

ID: #1041

Cale albe deluxe
White callas deluxe

ID: #1041

Elegant and grand, simple and stylish, white callas make quite a statement all their own. Hit the target with this extraordinary bouquet of calla flowers.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.


now: 0.00

Available sizes:

Normal 768.00 ron
19 Calla
Large 1088.00 ron
29 Calla
  • Raffaello

    39 ron

  • Sparkling wine

    59 ron

  • Soft toy

    59 ron

  • Vase

    59 ron

For bouquets of flowers mixture we recommend to:

a. Make sure vases are very clean
b. Use fresh lukewarm water with commercial cut flower food added.
c. Strip all leaves below the water level.
d. Take at least 2cm off all stems, making a slanted cut with a sharp knife or very sharp scissors.
e. Keep flowers in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or on top of televisions or radiators. (Appliances like televisions give off heat, causing flowers to dehydrate.)
f. Remove faded flowers as they occur.
g. Top up the water regularly and add flower food in proportion.

This product has an average availability, being for home delivery. It was available for more than 65% of the requests. We recommend to call us for confirmation of availability before checkout
Upon availability, this product can be delivered to: Adancata (SV), Adjud, Adjudeni (NT), Adjudu Vechi (VN), Agapia (NT), Agarbiciu (SB), Aghiresu-Fabrici (CJ), Agigea (CT), Alba Iulia, Albesti (MS), Albesti-Paleologu (PH), Albota (AG), Alesd (BH), Alexandria (TR), Alexeni (IL), Almas (NT), Alunis (AR), Anina (CS), Aninoasa (DB), Apahida (CJ), Apata (BV), Arad, Arbore (SV), Ardusat (MM), Aricestii Rahtivani (PH), Arpasu de Sus (SB), Arsanca (VL), Asau (BC), Aurel Vlaicu (MS), Avrameni (BT), Avrig (SB), Axente Sever (SB), Baba Novac (SM), Babadag (TL), Babasesti (SM), Babeni (VL), Bacau, Baia Mare, Baia Sprie (MM), Baicoi (PH), Baiculesti (AG), Baile Felix (BH), Baile Olanesti (VL), Baisa (BT), Balan (HR), Balanesti (GJ), Baleni (DB), Balesti (GJ), Bals (OT), Bals (OT), Balteni (GJ), Banca (VS), Banesti (PH), Banpotec (HD), Barcanesti (PH), Barlad, Barnova (IS), Barsanesti (BC), Bascov (AG), Beclean (BN), Bercioiu (VL), Bestepe (TL), Bicaz, Biertan (SB), Bira (NT), Bistrita, Blandesti (BT), Blejoi (PH), Bodogaia (HR), Bogata (BC), Bogdan Voda (BC), Boldesti-Scaeni (PH), Bordesti (VN), Bors, Bosanci (SV), Botarlau (VN), Botos (SV), Botosani, Braila, Bran (BV), Brancovenesti (MS), Branisca (HD), Braniste (DJ), Brasov, Brates (NT), Brazi (PH), Breaza, Brebu (PH), Brusturi (NT), Bucerdea-Vinoasa (AB), Bucium (SJ), Bucov (PH), Bucsani (DB), Bucsani (VL), Bucureasa (GJ), Bucuresti, Bucuresti (Ilfov), Buda (VS), Budesti (VL), Buftea (IF), Bughea de Jos (AG), Buhoci (BC), Bumbesti-Jiu (GJ), Bunesti (SV), Burdujeni (SV), Buruienesti (NT), Busteni (PH), Butnaresti (NT), Buzau, Caiuti (BC), Calarasi, Calcesti (GJ), Calimanesti (VL), Calinesti (SV), Calinesti-Oas (SM), Calnic (AB), Calnicu de Sus (GJ), Campia Turzii, Campina, Campulung Moldovenesc, Campulung Muscel, Candesti (BT), Cap Aurora (CT), Caracal, Caransebes, Carei, Casin (BC), Ceacu (CL), Ceamurlia de Jos (TL), Cefa (BH), Ceparii Pamanteni (AG), Ceptura (PH), Cerna (TL), Cernavoda (CT), Chechis (MM), Cheile Gradistei (BV), Chesint (AR), Chiojdeni (VN), Chirileu (MS), Chiscani (BR), Chisoda (TM), Cicarlau (MM), Cimpineanca (VN), Ciocanesti (CL), Ciorani (PH), Ciorani (VN), Cioroiu (OT), Ciprian Porumbescu (SV), Cisnadie (SB), Climesti (NT), Clocotici (CS), Cluj, Codlea (BV), Colibasi (OT), Comanesti, Condrea (GL), Constanta, Copsa Mica (SB), Corbeanca (IF), Corbita (VN), Corbu (CT), Cordun (NT), Cornu de Jos (PH), Corocaiesti (SV), Corod (GL), Cosesti (AG), Cosoveni (DJ), Costinesti (CT), Cotesti (VN), Cotofenesti (PH), Craciunesti (MM), Craiesti (NT), Craiova, Criseni (SJ), Cristesti (BT), Cristesti (IS), Cristian (BV), Cristur-Criseni (SJ), Crizbav (BV), Crucea (SV), Cuejdiu (NT), Cumpana (CT), Curtea de Arges, Curtisoara (GJ), Curtisoara (OT), Daesti (VL), Danes (MS), Danesti (GJ), Dangeni (BT), Darmanesti (BC), Darmanesti (SV), Deda (MS), Delesti (VS), Deva, Dezmir (CJ), Dobarceni (BT), Dobra (DB), Dochia (NT), Dofteana (BC), Doljesti (NT), Dorobantu (CL), Dorohoi, Dracsani (BT), Draganesti (GL), Draguseni (GL), Dragutesti (GJ), Dulcesti (NT), Dumbrava (DB), Dumbrava Rosie (NT), Dumbraveni (SV), Dumbravita (MM), Dumbravita (TM), Eforie Nord (CT), Eforie Sud (CT), Fagaras, Falcoiu (OT), Falticeni, Fantanele (AR), Fantanele (SV), Farcasa (MM), Fetesti, Filipesti (BC), Filipestii de Padure (PH), Filipestii de Targ (PH), Flamanzi (BT), Floresti (CJ), Focsanei (BZ), Focsani, Francesti (VL), Furnicosi (AG), Galati, Gara Banca (VS), Gara Berheci (GL), Garcina (NT), Garleni (BC), Geoagiu (HD), Ghigoiesti (NT), Ghimbav (BV), Ghiroda (TM), Giarmata (TM), Giorocuta (SM), Gioseni (BC), Giroc (TM), Girov (NT), Glamnbocata-Deal (AG), Gligoresti (CJ), Glimboca (CS), Godeni (AG), Gohor (GL), Goldeanu-Silistea (BZ), Granicesti (SV), Grumazesti (NT), Gugesti (VN), Gura Bustii (VS), Gura Humorului, Gura Ocnitei (DB), Gura Sutii (DB), Gurghiu (MS), Halchiu (BV), Halmeu (SM), Hanul Ancutei (NT), Harman (BV), Hartop (SV), Hateg (HD), Heci (IS), Hemeius (BC), Homocea (VN), Horgesti (BC), Horia (NT), Hunedoara, I. L. Caragiale (DB), Iana (VS), Iasi, Iaslovat (SV), Ibanesti (BT), Iecea Mare (TM), Independenta (CL), Ipotesti (SV), Ipotesti (SV), Isalnita (DJ), Iugani (IS), Ivesti (VS), Izvin (TM), Jaristea (VN), Jelna (BN), Lacu Babei (VS), Lancram (AB), Lazu Baciului (MM), Lazuri (DB), Lelesti (GJ), Leorda (BC), Leresti (AG), Lespezi (IS), Lespezi (VN), Letea Veche (BC), Leu (DJ), Liesti (GL), Lilieci (BC), Lipova (BC), Lisaura (SV), Liteni (SV), Locodeni (HR), Logresti (GJ), Lucieni (DB), Lugoj, Luncani (CJ), Lungani (IS), Lupeni (HD), Macin (TL), Madarjesti (IS), Magurele (PH), Malini (SV), Malosu (BC), Malu Alb (GL), Malu Alb (GL), Malu Mare (DJ), Malureni (GL), Mamaia (CT), Manastirea Doamnei (BT), Maneuti (SV), Maneuti (SV), Mangalia, Manolesti (BT), Mara (MM), Marginea (SV), Martinesti (SM), Matca (GL), Matesti (BZ), Medgidia, Medias, Merei (BZ), Merisani (AG), Metes (AB), Micasasa (SB), Miercurea Ciuc, Mihaesti (AG), Mihail Kogalniceanu (CT), Mioveni (AG), Mislea (PH), Moara (SV), Moara Domneasca (VS), Moara Grecilor (VS), Moara Noua (DB), Modelu (CL), Moeciu de Sus (BV), Moigrad-Porolissum, Moinesti (BC), Moldoveni (IL), Moreni (DB), Moroeni (DB), Movila Verde (CT), Mozaceni (AG), Munteni (GL), Nadab (AR), Nadasa (MS), Namaesti (VL), Namoloasa (GL), Nasaud (BN), Navodari (CT), Negoiesti (PH), Neptun (CT), Neptun (CT), Nicoresti (GL), Nuci (IF), Oarda (AB), Ocna Sibiului (SB), Ocnele Mari (VL), Ocnita (DB), Ocolis (MM), Odobesti (VN), Odoreu (SM), Odorheiu Secuiesc, Oglinzi (BT), Olimp (CT), Onesti, Oradea, Orastie, Oravita (CS), Ormenis (BV), Ortisoara (TM), Osica de Jos (OT), Osica de Sus (OT), Ostrov (HD), Otelu Rosu (CS), Otopeni (IF), Ovidiu (CT), Paclisa (AB), Paleu (BH), Paltinis (SV), Pangarati (NT), Parches (TL), Partestii de Jos (SV), Pascani, Patrauti (SV), Paucea (SB), Paulesti (PH), Paulesti (SM), Paulian (SM), Perieti (OT), Pestisu Mare (HD), Petresti (VN), Petrila (HD), Petrosani, Piatra Neamt, Pielesti (DJ), Pildesti (NT), Pirlog (SM), Pitesti, Pleasa (PH), Plesoiu (OT), Ploiesti, Plopeni (PH), Poarta Alba (CT), Pochidia (VS), Pociovalistea (GJ), Podari (DJ), Podeni (BT), Podenii Vechi (PH), Podis (BC), Poduri (BC), Pogana (VS), Pogonesti (VS), Poiana Brasov, Poiana Campina (PH), Poiana Negrii (SV), Popesti (VL), Potigrafu (PH), Predeal (BV), Produlesti (DB), Provita de Sus (PH), Puchenii Mosneni (PH), Pufesti (VN), Puiesti (VS), Purcareni (BV), Racsa (SM), Radauti, Radomiresti (OT), Ramnicu Valcea, Rasnov (BV), Ratez (GJ), Rausor (BV), Recea (BV), Recea (MM), Recea (NT), Reghin, Resca (OT), Resita, Retevoiesti (AG), Rogojesti (BT), Roman, Romanesti (SV), Rona de sus, Roseti (CL), Rovinari (GJ), Roznov (NT), Ruginoasa (IS), Runcu (GJ), Rusi (SB), Sabaoani (NT), Sacalaz (TM), Sacalu de Padure, Sacele (BV), Sag (TM), Salajeni (SJ), Sambata de Sus (BV), Sambateni(AR), Sambotin (GJ), Sancraiu de Mures (MS), Sandra (TM), Sangeru (PH), Sanmihaiu Roman (TM), Sannicoara (CJ), Sanpaul (MS), Sanpetru (BV), Sarata-Monteoru (BZ), Sarichioi (TL), Saros pe Tarnave (SB), Saru Dornei (SV), Sascut (BC), Satamarel (SM), Satchinez (TM), Satu Mare, Satu Nou (TL), Satu Nou de Jos (MM), Saturn (CT), Sauca (VS), Savinesti (NT), Scheia (SV), Sebes, Seciu (PH), Secuienii Noi (NT), Selimbar (SB), Serbanesti (BC), Serbauti (SV), Sercaia (BV), Sercaia (BV), Sfantu Gheorghe, Sibiu, Sighetu Marmatiei, Sighisoara, Silistea (VS), Simeria (HD), Simleu Silvanei, Sinaia (PH), Sinmartin (BH), Siret (SV), Sisesti (MM), Slatina, Slatioara (OT), Slobozia (IL), Slobozia (NT), Smardan (BT), Smardan (GL), Soimus (HD), Solca (SV), Spataru (BZ), Spring (AB), Stauceni (BT), Stefanesti (AG), Straoane (VN), Strejnicu (PH), Stroiesti (SV), Stupini (BV), Suceava, Sucevita (SV), Supur (SM), Sura Mare (SB), Targoviste, Targsoru Nou (PH), Targu Carbunesti (GJ), Targu Jiu, Targu Mures, Targu Neamt, Targu Secuiesc (CV), Targu Trotus (BC), Tarnava (SB), Tarnaveni (MS), Tasca (NT), Tasnad (SM), Tatarasti (BC), Tatarusi (IS), Tauti (CJ), Techirghiol (CT), Tecuci, Telec (NT), Telega (PH), Tepu (GL), Terova (CS), Tiganesti (GL), Timisesti (NT), Timisoara, Tisa-Silvestri (BC), Tomsani (DB), Topolog (TL), Torcesti (GL), Trestiana (VS), Tritenii de Jos (CJ), Tudor Vladimirescu (BT), Tudor Vladimirescu (GL), Tudora (BT), Tufesti (BR), Tulcea, Tulnici (VN), Turda, Udesti (SV), Ulmi (GR), Umbraresti (GL), Unteni (BT), Unteni (BT), Uricani (HD), Urleta (PH), Urziceni, Utvin (TM), Vacaresti (DB), Vadu Moldovei (SV), Vaidei (HD), Valcele (CV), Valea Brazilor (AG), Valea Dacilor (CT), Valea Danului (AG), Valea Lupului (IS), Valea Mare (OT), Valea Mare Pravat (AG), Valea Seaca (NT), Valea Ursului (NT), Valea Viilor (SB), Valea Voievozilor (DB), Valeni (VS), Valul lui Traian (CT), Vama Veche (CT), Vanatori (GL), Vanatori (MS), Vanatori-Neamt (NT), Varias (TM), Vartescoiu (VN), Vaslui, Vatra Dornei, Venus (CT), Vetis (SM), Vicovu de Jos (SV), Vicovu de Sus (SV), Viforata (DB), Viile (SM), Viisoara (BN), Viisoara (VS), Viroaga (CT), Vistea de Sus (BV), Vladesti (AG), Vladiceni (IS), Vladila (OT), Vladimirescu (AR), Voina (AG), Vorona (BT), Vulcan (BV), Vulcan(HD), Vulcana-Bai (DB), Zalau, Zamostea (SV), Zamostea (SV), Zanesti (NT), Zapodeni (VS), Zarnesti (BV), Zimandcuz (AR), Zorleni (VS),

Elegant and grand, simple and stylish, white callas make quite a statement all their own. Hit the target with this extraordinary bouquet of calla flowers.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.

Usefull links