
Bird of paradise

Certainly one of the most distinctive cut flowers, the flower resembles the name. Bird of Paradise have a green/blue beak with one or two bright orange and blue ‘crests’ sticking up from the base. While there are 4 species known, only strelitzia reginae is commonly used as a cut flower. Strelitzia reginae was named after the wife of King George III, Queen (reginea in Latin) Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Strelitzia). According to the language of flowers, Bird Of Paradise is given today from a woman to a man as a symbol of faithfulness.
Certainly one of the most distinctive cut flowers, the flower resembles the name. Bird of Paradise have a green/blue beak with one or two bright orange and blue ‘crests’ sticking up from the base. While there are 4 species known, only strelitzia reginae is commonly used as a cut flower. Strelitzia reginae was named after the wife of King George III, Queen (reginea in Latin) Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Strelitzia). According to the language of flowers, Bird Of Paradise is given today from a woman to a man as a symbol of faithfulness.

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