Loving teddy

ID: #10214

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Loving teddy

ID: #10214

If one single red rose will fail, along with the teddy bear toy you will win for sure. Make her love you more and more with this big surprise.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.


now: 0.00

Available sizes:

Normal 313.20 ron
1 Roses
Large 493.20 ron
1 Roses
Double 943.20 ron
1 Roses
  • Raffaello

    39 ron

  • Sparkling wine

    59 ron

  • Soft toy

    59 ron

  • Vase

    59 ron

To get a longer life of your cut roses we recommend:

- immediately upon arrival, remove foliage which would be below water line in your arrangement
- DO NOT directly expose the flowers to sun and avoid excessive heat;
- display roses in the coolest areas;
- use a clean vase with ample water capacity as roses are very thirsty flowers;
- keep vase full of clean water daily; in the case of roses basket, insert stems firmly and base foam saturated daily;
This product has an average availability, being for home delivery. It was available for more than 65% of the requests. We recommend to call us for confirmation of availability before checkout
Upon availability, this product can be delivered to: Adancata (SV), Adjudeni (NT), Adjudu Vechi (VN), Agarbiciu (SB), Albesti-Paleologu (PH), Albota (AG), Alexeni (IL), Anina (CS), Apahida (CJ), Apata (BV), Arbore (SV), Ardusat (MM), Aricestii Rahtivani (PH), Arsanca (VL), Avrig (SB), Babasesti (SM), Babeni (VL), Baia Sprie (MM), Baile Olanesti (VL), Baisa (BT), Balan (HR), Balanesti (GJ), Baleni (DB), Bals (OT), Banca (VS), Banesti (PH), Banpotec (HD), Barcanesti (PH), Barnova (IS), Barsanesti (BC), Bascov (AG), Beclean (BN), Bercioiu (VL), Bestepe (TL), Biertan (SB), Bira (NT), Blandesti (BT), Bodogaia (HR), Bogata (BC), Bogdan Voda (BC), Boldesti-Scaeni (PH), Bordesti (VN), Bosanci (SV), Brancovenesti (MS), Braniste (DJ), Brates (NT), Brazi (PH), Bucium (SJ), Bucov (PH), Bucsani (DB), Bucureasa (GJ), Bucuresti, Bucuresti (Ilfov), Budesti (VL), Buhoci (BC), Burdujeni (SV), Buruienesti (NT), Butnaresti (NT), Caiuti (BC), Calcesti (GJ), Calinesti (SV), Calinesti-Oas (SM), Calnic (AB), Cap Aurora (CT), Ceacu (CL), Ceamurlia de Jos (TL), Cefa (BH), Cerna (TL), Chechis (MM), Cheile Gradistei (BV), Chiojdeni (VN), Chirileu (MS), Chisoda (TM), Cicarlau (MM), Cimpineanca (VN), Ciocanesti (CL), Ciorani (PH), Ciorani (VN), Cioroiu (OT), Ciprian Porumbescu (SV), Cisnadie (SB), Climesti (NT), Clocotici (CS), Colibasi (OT), Condrea (GL), Corbita (VN), Corbu (CT), Cordun (NT), Cornu de Jos (PH), Corocaiesti (SV), Corod (GL), Cosesti (AG), Cosoveni (DJ), Cotofenesti (PH), Cristesti (BT), Cristur-Criseni (SJ), Crucea (SV), Cuejdiu (NT), Curtisoara (GJ), Curtisoara (OT), Daesti (VL), Danesti (GJ), Dangeni (BT), Darmanesti (SV), Deda (MS), Delesti (VS), Dezmir (CJ), Dobarceni (BT), Dobra (DB), Dofteana (BC), Doljesti (NT), Dorobantu (CL), Dracsani (BT), Draganesti (GL), Draguseni (GL), Dragutesti (GJ), Dulcesti (NT), Dumbrava (DB), Dumbraveni (SV), Dumbravita (MM), Dumbravita (TM), Falcoiu (OT), Fantanele (AR), Fantanele (SV), Farcasa (MM), Filipesti (BC), Filipestii de Padure (PH), Filipestii de Targ (PH), Flamanzi (BT), Floresti (CJ), Focsanei (BZ), Francesti (VL), Gara Banca (VS), Garcina (NT), Garleni (BC), Geoagiu (HD), Ghimbav (BV), Ghiroda (TM), Giarmata (TM), Giorocuta (SM), Gioseni (BC), Giroc (TM), Girov (NT), Gligoresti (CJ), Glimboca (CS), Gohor (GL), Grumazesti (NT), Gugesti (VN), Gura Bustii (VS), Gura Sutii (DB), Gurghiu (MS), Halchiu (BV), Hanul Ancutei (NT), Harman (BV), Hartop (SV), Hateg (HD), Heci (IS), Hemeius (BC), Homocea (VN), Horgesti (BC), Horia (NT), Iana (VS), Iaslovat (SV), Independenta (CL), Ipotesti (SV), Isalnita (DJ), Iugani (IS), Ivesti (VS), Jaristea (VN), Lacu Babei (VS), Lancram (AB), Lazu Baciului (MM), Lazuri (DB), Lelesti (GJ), Leorda (BC), Leresti (AG), Lespezi (IS), Lespezi (VN), Letea Veche (BC), Lilieci (BC), Lipova (BC), Lisaura (SV), Liteni (SV), Logresti (GJ), Lucieni (DB), Luncani (CJ), Lungani (IS), Macin (TL), Madarjesti (IS), Magurele (PH), Malini (SV), Malosu (BC), Malu Alb (GL), Malu Mare (DJ), Manastirea Doamnei (BT), Maneuti (SV), Manolesti (BT), Mara (MM), Marginea (SV), Martinesti (SM), Matesti (BZ), Merei (BZ), Merisani (AG), Metes (AB), Mihaesti (AG), Mislea (PH), Moara Domneasca (VS), Moara Grecilor (VS), Modelu (CL), Moeciu de Sus (BV), Moldoveni (IL), Moreni (DB), Moroeni (DB), Movila Verde (CT), Mozaceni (AG), Nadasa (MS), Namaesti (VL), Namoloasa (GL), Nasaud (BN), Neptun (CT), Nicoresti (GL), Oarda (AB), Ocna Sibiului (SB), Ocnele Mari (VL), Ocnita (DB), Ocolis (MM), Odobesti (VN), Odoreu (SM), Oglinzi (BT), Olimp (CT), Oravita (CS), Ormenis (BV), Ortisoara (TM), Osica de Jos (OT), Osica de Sus (OT), Ostrov (HD), Paclisa (AB), Paltinis (SV), Pangarati (NT), Parches (TL), Patrauti (SV), Paucea (SB), Paulesti (PH), Paulesti (SM), Paulian (SM), Perieti (OT), Pestisu Mare (HD), Petresti (VN), Plesoiu (OT), Pociovalistea (GJ), Podari (DJ), Podeni (BT), Podenii Vechi (PH), Podis (BC), Poduri (BC), Pogana (VS), Poiana Campina (PH), Popesti (VL), Potigrafu (PH), Predeal (BV), Produlesti (DB), Provita de Sus (PH), Pufesti (VN), Racsa (SM), Radomiresti (OT), Rasnov (BV), Ratez (GJ), Rausor (BV), Recea (NT), Resca (OT), Retevoiesti (AG), Romanesti (SV), Roseti (CL), Rovinari (GJ), Roznov (NT), Ruginoasa (IS), Runcu (GJ), Rusi (SB), Sag (TM), Salajeni (SJ), Sambata de Sus (BV), Sambotin (GJ), Sancraiu de Mures (MS), Sandra (TM), Sangeru (PH), Sanmihaiu Roman (TM), Sanpetru (BV), Sarata-Monteoru (BZ), Saros pe Tarnave (SB), Saru Dornei (SV), Sascut (BC), Satamarel (SM), Satchinez (TM), Satu Nou (TL), Satu Nou de Jos (MM), Sauca (VS), Scheia (SV), Selimbar (SB), Serbanesti (BC), Serbauti (SV), Sercaia (BV), Silistea (VS), Sisesti (MM), Slatioara (OT), Smardan (GL), Solca (SV), Stauceni (BT), Straoane (VN), Strejnicu (PH), Stroiesti (SV), Stupini (BV), Sucevita (SV), Supur (SM), Sura Mare (SB), Targsoru Nou (PH), Targu Carbunesti (GJ), Targu Trotus (BC), Tasnad (SM), Tatarasti (BC), Tatarusi (IS), Tepu (GL), Terova (CS), Tiganesti (GL), Timisesti (NT), Topolog (TL), Trestiana (VS), Tritenii de Jos (CJ), Tudor Vladimirescu (BT), Tudor Vladimirescu (GL), Tudora (BT), Umbraresti (GL), Unteni (BT), Unteni (BT), Urleta (PH), Utvin (TM), Vacaresti (DB), Valcele (CV), Valea Danului (AG), Valea Lupului (IS), Valea Mare Pravat (AG), Valea Seaca (NT), Valea Ursului (NT), Valea Voievozilor (DB), Valeni (VS), Vanatori (MS), Vanatori-Neamt (NT), Vartescoiu (VN), Vetis (SM), Vicovu de Jos (SV), Viforata (DB), Viile (SM), Viisoara (BN), Viisoara (VS), Vistea de Sus (BV), Vladiceni (IS), Vladila (OT), Vladimirescu (AR), Voina (AG), Vorona (BT), Vulcan (BV), Vulcana-Bai (DB), Zamostea (SV), Zamostea (SV), Zanesti (NT), Zapodeni (VS), Zarnesti (BV), Zimandcuz (AR), Zorleni (VS),

If one single red rose will fail, along with the teddy bear toy you will win for sure. Make her love you more and more with this big surprise.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.

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