Bouquet of pink lilies

ID: #10414

-10 %
Buchet crini roz
Bouquet of pink lilies

ID: #10414

The bouquet of pink lilies is a charming and sophisticated choice that conveys elegance and love. It is suitable to bring a smile to the face of the person who receives it and to create an atmosphere full of warmth and affection on any occasion.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.


now: 349.20

Available sizes:

Normal 349.20 ron 388.00 ron
5 Lilies
Large 448.20 ron 498.00 ron
7 Lilies
Double 682.20 ron 758.00 ron
9 Lilies
  • Raffaello

    39 ron

  • Sparkling wine

    59 ron

  • Soft toy

    59 ron

  • Vase

    59 ron

With the proper care, your unopened lilies will bloom over the next 3-4 days.

Our recommendations on the cut lilies are:

- cut 2-3 cm off the lilies stems and remove leaves that fall below the water line;
- fill a clear vase with cool water ;
- re-cut lily stems and change water at least every 3 days;
- expose your lilies away from direct sunlight, heat and drafts;
- to keep pollen from staining clothes, pull the stamen out when the lily opens (use tape to remove any pollen that gets on clothes).

This product has a high availability. It was available for home delivery in more than 95% of the orders we received.

The bouquet of pink lilies is a charming and sophisticated choice that conveys elegance and love. It is suitable to bring a smile to the face of the person who receives it and to create an atmosphere full of warmth and affection on any occasion.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.

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