Bouquet of 7 blue hydrangeas

ID: #10432

Buchet 7 hortensii albastre
Bouquet of 7 blue hydrangeas

ID: #10432

The bouquet of 7 blue hydrangeas is a distinctive and charming choice for anyone who wants to express a deep feeling of admiration or affection.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.


now: 0.00

Available sizes:

Normal 718.00 ron
Large 858.00 ron
Double 1398.00 ron
  • Raffaello

    39 ron

  • Sparkling wine

    59 ron

  • Soft toy

    59 ron

  • Vase

    59 ron

For bouquets of flowers mixture we recommend to:

a. Make sure vases are very clean
b. Use fresh lukewarm water with commercial cut flower food added.
c. Strip all leaves below the water level.
d. Take at least 2cm off all stems, making a slanted cut with a sharp knife or very sharp scissors.
e. Keep flowers in a cool spot, away from direct sunlight, heating or cooling vents, directly under ceiling fans, or on top of televisions or radiators. (Appliances like televisions give off heat, causing flowers to dehydrate.)
f. Remove faded flowers as they occur.
g. Top up the water regularly and add flower food in proportion.

This floral arrangement has a low availability. It was available for home delivery in less than 30% of the requested orders. Please call us before placing the online order to confirm the availability.
Hydrangeas in general are robust and generous looking flowers, and when chosen in a vibrant shade of blue, they become truly captivating.

Each flower in this bouquet brings with it a story of elegance and delicacy. Their rich and bright petals form a generous inflorescence, creating a beautiful and lively ensemble. The deep blue of hydrangeas can symbolize trust, calm and stability, making them suitable for conveying deep and sincere feelings.

The number of 7 hydrangeas adds a touch of symbolic meaning. In many cultures, the number 7 is considered lucky and brings with it connotations of harmony, perfection and spirituality. So, the bouquet is not only a collection of arranged flowers, but also an artistic expression of harmony and beauty.

This composition can celebrate a variety of special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, or even be given as an affectionate gesture for no particular reason. It is also suitable for bringing a touch of color and elegance to an interior space, bringing joy and light to any room.

By choosing a bouquet of 7 blue hydrangeas, you will not only delight the recipient with the beauty and mastery of nature, but also convey a strong and deep emotion, thus creating an unforgettable memory.

The bouquet of 7 blue hydrangeas is a distinctive and charming choice for anyone who wants to express a deep feeling of admiration or affection.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.

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