Bouquet of 101 red roses

ID: #10397

Buchet 101 trandafiri rosii
Bouquet of 101 red roses

ID: #10397

Discover the ultimate elegance and romance in an exceptional bouquet - bouquet of 101 red roses! Perfect for celebrating love or marking a special moment, this bouquet makes an unforgettable gift.
It is exclusively available for delivery in Bucharest and the towns of Ilfov.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.

now: 0.00

Available sizes:

Normal 1598.00 ron
101 Roses
Large 2397.00 ron
149 Roses
Double 3196.00 ron
199 Roses
  • Raffaello

    39 ron

  • Sparkling wine

    59 ron

  • Soft toy

    59 ron

  • Vase

    59 ron

To get a longer life of your cut roses we recommend:

- immediately upon arrival, remove foliage which would be below water line in your arrangement
- DO NOT directly expose the flowers to sun and avoid excessive heat;
- display roses in the coolest areas;
- use a clean vase with ample water capacity as roses are very thirsty flowers;
- keep vase full of clean water daily; in the case of roses basket, insert stems firmly and base foam saturated daily;
This product has a high availability. It was available for home delivery in more than 95% of the orders we received.
Upon availability, this product can be delivered to: Bucuresti, Bucuresti (Ilfov),
Order online and enjoy free delivery in Bucharest, thus bringing a smile to the face of your loved one.

Special features:

101 Red Roses : A luxurious and impressive gesture, 101 red roses symbolize passion and deep love. Each rose is carefully selected to ensure its freshness and beauty.

Elegant Round Bouquet : The round design of the bouquet gives classic elegance and sophistication. Each rose is carefully arranged to create a balanced and stylish composition.

Simple Online Order : Place your order in just a few clicks by choosing this memorable bouquet directly from our website. The online ordering process is simple and intuitive, giving you a pleasant experience.

Free Delivery in Bucharest : We want to make your experience as special as possible, so we offer free delivery in Bucharest. At no extra cost, the bouquet will arrive fresh and flawless at its destination.

Perfect for Special Occasions : From anniversaries and marriage proposals to surprising romantic moments, this round bouquet of 101 red roses is the ideal choice to mark any special event in your life.

Order now and turn an ordinary day into an extraordinary one with this impressive bouquet! Give love in its most beautiful form and bring joy with a bouquet that speaks directly to the heart of the recipient.

Discover the ultimate elegance and romance in an exceptional bouquet - bouquet of 101 red roses! Perfect for celebrating love or marking a special moment, this bouquet makes an unforgettable gift.
It is exclusively available for delivery in Bucharest and the towns of Ilfov.

*If the bouquet is presented in a vase, this is not included. Product images are for information and are for presentation purposes. **The custom greeting card is free ***The price is VAT included.

Favourite flowers

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